Jordi Grau

Born in Barcelona in 1991, despite having no direct professional ties to the culinary world at home, he grew up surrounded by cooking and a love for gastronomy.

At the early age of 15, he began his hospitality studies at the Sant Ignasi Sarrià School of Hospitality and Tourism in Barcelona, followed by a specialization in haute cuisine. His ties with the school were never completely severed, and since 2019, he has been teaching new cooking techniques in the haute cuisine master’s program there.

Throughout his career, he has trained alongside great names in our national gastronomy scene, such as Nandu Jubany, the wonderful trio from Disfrutar (Oriol Castro, Eduard Xatruch, and Mateu Casaña), Albert Adrià, and Francis Paniego, with whom he achieved a Michelin star for the Ibaya restaurant, located within the Hermitage Hotel in Soldeu, Andorra.

Aside from these big names, he always emphasizes that he is the result of all the people he has encountered along his journey, from whom he has been able to observe and learn.

Beyond his work in kitchens within our territory, his hunger to see the world and live new experiences has led him to cook in countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, and New York—experiences that have been very enriching both professionally and personally.

He is currently the executive chef at Sport Hotels Resort & Spa in Andorra, a mountain resort with a total of 14 dining points open during the peak winter season.